To us it can feel a bit strange to talk much about ourselves. Nonetheless, it never hurts to have a bit more background on the those responsible for assisting you. In such a spirit, let us take a moment to expand on the sorts of individuals that make this work not only possible, but successful.
Though all are of highly diverse backgrounds, one core commonality unites us.
We all feel compelled to share all we have discovered in our personal journeys, to serve others as they strive toward the greatest versions of themselves.
Regardless of where you may be starting, or where you are intent on going, having a team behind you stacks the deck in your favor.
Why do you think we operate as a team? How silly would it be for each of us to try to be master of all domains, to have perfect expertise in all specialties? Such an aspiration would not only be inefficient, but foolish. Thus we combine forces, meld minds, to ensure that the all diverse challenges you face might be met with masterful helping hands.
Lastly, it bears mentioning that the extraordinary results of our clients, past, present, and future, are likewise facilitated by some truly extraordinary individuals.
Meet The Team

Michael Bledsoe
Chief Executive Officer
Intelligence Architect, Creator of CODE (our proprietary in-depth Life Assessment), CODE Breaker, Life Transformation Specialist, Psycho-Spiritual Counselor, Grief and Healing Specialist, Certified in SDES Shadow Integration, CBT Practitioner,
Michael brings to the table a massively interdisciplinary approach to examining and understanding the circumstances of clients. He first came to appreciate the value of cross-pollination, studying Cognitive Science at Johns Hopkins. Leaving no stone unturned, he has sought the common threads, the core principles, that run through everything from economics to biology, neuroscience to psychology, sociology to spirituality, to name a few.
This diverse expertise ensures the subtleties and nuances, no matter how obscure, are brought to light.
Now, this is not to say he remained content only with discovering what was already there. His curiosity and ingenuity have produced many of the core differentiators we employ to the massive success of our clients. Among which resides CODE, the most advanced human analysis technology, capable oaf calculating the previously intangible, such as wisdom itself.
Lastly, Michael's philosophy of radical pragmatism informs every dimension of what we do at RETCON. Central is the idea that truths are true to the degree they empower individuals to master themselves and thus to direct their destiny. Thus, the all-around life success of our clients, and of ourselves, stands the ultimate standard by which we progressively perfect our approach.

Stefano Provenzi
Chief Psychology Officer
Life Coach, Career Coach, CODE Breaker, Psychologist, Psycho Spiritual Counselor, and Jungian Depth Psychologist
Stefano is a true expert in Jungian Depth Psychology with a great breadth and depth of expertise. As such, he effectively deals with people’s life challenges at the necessary breadth, depth, and complexity, all while keeping it seemingly simple for the clients.
Beyond his education in psychology, he has thrown himself into encountering the psychological understandings that go beyond the conventional classroom, pursing additional education in fields such as Integral Transpersonal Psychology and Integral Yoga Psychology.
His continued education further fuels his ability to look at the whole picture, to help clients ensure they are as unlikely as possible to return to their undesirable circumstances.
Amy Hernandez
Life Coach, CODE Breaker, and Psycho Spiritual Counselor
Amy is a New York City resident with experience in helping individuals of all ages and backgrounds go through times of crisis. She earned her degree in Psychology and assists others when they want to grow as individuals or find themselves in a place of darkness.
During the time of the Pandemic, she struggled with anxious and depressive thoughts. After time went by and the emotions lingered, she decided enough is enough and reached out to Rebecca Bledsoe to work with her as a client. After learning and going through the CODE Breaking process, her sense of self and self esteem increased significantly, as well as her spiritual connection with God. Over time, she has become a better version of herself, a better wife, family member, and friend. She found the process so helpful and in alignment with her beliefs and educational background, that she decided to join the team.
Amy believes that life can change no matter the circumstances you are facing as long as you are willing and open to doing the work. She believes that life isn't happening to you but rather happening for you, even when things don't seem that way in the moment. If you are feeling stagnant or lost, that might be a sign coming from your inner self knowing the strength and potential you have. Trust it.

Rebecca Bledsoe
Chief Operating Officer
Founder and CEO of CODE Break Comprehensive Life Solutions, Life Transformation Specialist, Life Coach, CODE Breaker, Psycho Spiritual Counselor, CBT Practitioner, Grief and Healing Specialist for both humans and pets, Certified in SDES Shadow Integration, Hypnotherapy Practitioner, and Healing the Inner Child Practitioner
Rebecca is a mother of three and for two decades, has been working with people on everything from mindset and life guidance to spiritual counseling, business and career coaching, motivation coaching, organization, productivity, parenting, relationships, overcoming anxiety and depression, and increasing their level of success, happiness, and satisfaction with life. When not working with clients, she was working with her 3 kids to prepare them to get into 5 top 10 universities (3 undergraduate and 2 graduate.
As a single mother, she faced many daunting challenges and finally realized that in order to stop facing the same challenges and get the life she wanted, she had to become more...a better version of herself. She fell in love with the process of becoming more and the outcomes it produced in her life and decided to make it her mission to help others become better versions of themselves, as well.
Rebecca meets her clients with a near endless supply of energy and an unconditional commitment to their desired outcomes.

Eric Doane
Life Coach, Career Coach, CODE Breaker, Certified in Critical Incident Stress Management, Psycho Spiritual Counselor
Eric is a retired police officer whose career centered around assisting others who are struggling with the challenges faced in life. While working as an officer, he had the opportunity to formulate, and later implement, a Peers Support Program within the department that was intended to assist officers and support staff in managing and overcoming the many stressors experienced in both professional and personal life. He also obtained certification by the International Critical Incident Stress Foundation in both Individual and Group Crisis Intervention, also known as Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM). Along with that, Eric served as a Field Training Officer, spending a significant amount of time teaching and mentoring young officers as they grew in competency and confidence.
Eric holds a Master Degree and is also a husband and father to two wonderful, successful daughters. Now young adults, they have shown maturity and success in their many endeavors.
Through his personal and professional life, Eric has faced many challenges that accompany modern life, along the way learning the importance of self-awareness, understanding, and fulfillment to our own sense of self. Eric brings his knowledge, education, and experiences from his journey through life. He also brings patience, tolerance, non-judgement, and his genuine interest in guiding and supporting others along their journey to the life coaching experience and looks forward to working with you.

Jason Pinkerton
Life Coach, Business Coach, CODE Breaker, and Psycho Spiritual Counselor
Jason is a husband and father of two as well as a retired Air Force Veteran. In his "previous" version of himself, he battled with anxiety, panic attacks, depression, negative self talk, and self-sabotage.
After facing that darkness head on and working through it, he transformed his life bit by bit to now having a thriving marriage, greatly increasing his relationship with his kids, enhancing his spiritual relationship with God, and achieving financial abundance.
Jason believes in doing the work of transformation and not in magical or wishful thinking without action. He believes in creating a vision of what you want and then taking actions towards that vision to create your new reality. He has learned to love accountability because as he puts it, “accountability gives you power & freedom to improve anything you want, regardless of others.” If you feel stuck or have a desire to change something about yourself, are willing to receive constructive feedback, and are willing to take small, compounding actions, he may be the coach for you.